Tuesday, February 19, 2013

party planning, giveaways, graphic design, and other fun stuff!

i am so sorry for the radio silence the past WEEK! and i was doing so good too... but haven't you heard? it's the everygirl's one year anniversary on friday (can't believe it.) and we are celebrating anniversary week over on the site! and we have an amazing event happening at west elm in lincoln park this thursday night - cocktails, desserts, smilebooth, music, giveaways, and of course 15% off shopping at west elm. we'd love for all of you to come! and please do say hello if you make it! rsvp details in the invite above. note the gorgeous hand lettering is by the talented molly jacques.

in other words, i've been working around the clock. SO much work goes into planning events it's shocking...

i've also been diligently emailing all of my favorite brands trying to get them on board for what might be the GREATEST giveaway ever! it went live on the everygirl today - you seriously need to check it out. as a way to thank our readers for supporting the site in our first year, we are offering the chance to win 13 highly covetable items. here are just five of the 13 giveaways going on...

p.s. i love/miss graphic design. i had so much fun laying these out.

well what are you waiting for? go sign up to win!


  1. looks like a great giveaway! i'm so excited for your anniversary. wish i was in chicago.

  2. ugh, i'm an idiot. i went through an submitted all the choices and then realized that the giveaway was over. maybe you'll take pity and include the couple of latecomers.

  3. Love the graphic design. Looks like fun. Hope you're anniversary party is awesome.

  4. That sounds amazing! I wish taht I lived in Chicago!

  5. I'm loving the celebration announcement, so cute! Sounds like a great night, I wish I were in Chicago.

    Chelsea & The City

  6. woops- just saw it closes 2/25. i'm tired. thanks alaina!



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