Tuesday, June 25, 2013

wisteria wishlist, selling my mirror, and an exciting apartment update!

If you recall my inspiration for my new ladyplace, I am picturing... a few new investment pieces of furniture, gilded mirrors, and sprinkles of pink and whimsy. The perfect feminine abode. Imagine my delight when I perused Wisteria and found a bevy of great options! Not all exactly in budget, but I think that mirror is going to have to be mine...

Which means I'm selling my current mirror.
If you live in Chicago and are interested - let me know! It's large and has to be leaned since it's super old and the back is kinda sorta... well, let's just call it not stable. $60 - cash and carry. Email me! Must pick up this week. -- SOLD

And I have some GREAT news... I emailed the new landlord and showed them my previous home tours (notably the bathroom before and after), and they are on board with me painting the kitchen cabinets white! Thank goodness because this isn't blowin' my skirt up...
Off to google "cabinet painting tips." Gulp.


  1. haha and my new favorite phrase: "blowin' my skirt up!"

    Good luck with the painting!

  2. That's awesome that your landlord is letting you do that!

    I wish I were in Chicago already b/c I'd totally take that mirror off of your hands. If you for some reason still have it in a month, let me know, ha.

  3. I just sanded and painted the kitchen cabinets in my house, because I wasn't so crazy about them! for a fantastic finish, splurge and go for oil based paint! I can email you a before and after because it is really amazing how the kitchen transformed! I used Benjamin Moore White Dove color on top and a grey on the bottom. The guys at Prather Paint in Wilmette are fantastic!

  4. yay! you get to paint them white!! and i love all your picks. i really wish that table was in my budget. it's pretty!

  5. Woohoo for paint! Can't wait to see what you do with your new digs. If I was in Chicago, I'd snatch that mirror up in a heartbeat! Happy Moving!

  6. Yes I agree- 'blowin' my skirt up' is so funny and I'm totally stealing it!

    Also, check out the Little Green Notebook blog for cabinet painting tips- she's amazing and I'm almost positive she's covered it at least twice!

  7. I was just perusing Wisteria yesterday and also decided that I will be needing that mirror for over my fireplace. Providing it fits. Details. You can totally paint your cabinets, my sister did hers and she talked about all the gory details here: http://www.twodelighted.com/2012/02/20/my-painted-bathroom-vanity-before-and-after/

  8. That landlord should thank his lucky stars he rented to you. You are going to make that place shine!

  9. YAAA! Can't wait to see the before pics, because we all know the After are gonna be AMAZING!!!

  10. I love that you e-mailed your landlords about re-painting that kitchen (it could use your touch!) We just moved to a new place too, so plenty of work ahead!
    xx lexi @ glitter, inc.

  11. One of my best friends did this in their kitchen and she did an amazing job! She followed these steps: http://www.squidoo.com/paintingcabinets

  12. I can't imagine any landlord that wouldn't let you spruce the place up! They would be crazy not to. Small sidenote: I work for wisteria and that mirror is amazing in person, totally worth the money!



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