Wednesday, June 24, 2009

ATTN Team Jacob: This One Was Made for You and Me

This just in: there is a new New Moon book cover that I wanted to share because I am (hold your breath) a Jacob fan when it comes to the Twilight series. He's laid back, funny, and not quite as controlling as another of the book's heroes (who will remain unnamed). Plus he looks like this. Can you blame me? I definitely prefer the original artwork for the series, but I did say in my very first post that this blog is a sort of "virtual eye candy." How could I pass this up?

I promise no more Twilight posts for a while... well... Maybe.


  1. I will not understand the obsession with these vampires. after your post on book covers, how would you judge this book based on the cover? I would say trashy romance novel...oh how atroshe!

  2. Also, can you do a post on judging stores, politicians, people, musicians, products, services, etc, by their website? I think many people do this and it would be a really interesting post. For example, I find a much more aesthetically pleasing website and therefore am more drawn to use it, even if i could get a better deal at bestbuy or another competitor - amazon is so user friendly and inviting. Just an idea. Thanks!

  3. YAY Team Jacob!!! I'm with you!

  4. Love the twilight series. Team Edward.




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