Thursday, February 16, 2012

How does she do it?

Taylor Sterling. It's women like her that inspired Danielle and I to start The Everygirl. Talent, passion, intelligence, style, beauty, hard-work ethic. This girl's got it all. As I slowly (rapidly) start to drown in my ever-growing pile of work and responsibilities, I'm trying to figure out how she keeps up with her blog Sterling Style, her site The Glitter Guide, and manages to stay in such great shape with regular Crossfit workouts (she's mentioned getting in at least five workouts a week). I mean - whoa can she rock a hot pink maxi dress!

Taylor - I bow down. Teach me your ways.



  1. Wow! She looks absolutely amazing. I certainly cannot do a fraction of what she does!

  2. Her blog & style are some of my favorites! Gorgeous!

  3. Oh my goodness I completely agree with you... Such inspiration! It seems like you do a great job as well!

  4. hey Alaina, not to be annoying at all, but crossfit workouts are actually really pretty quick (albeit very difficult), lasting maybe 20 minutes or so.

    ps i think you are amazing and wonder how YOU do it all! xo

  5. I LOVE crossfit, it is the best workout.. and it definitely shows with how fit this woman is, she looks fantastic!

  6. She is just stunning in ever sense of the word!

  7. I also follow Taylor's blog! She always looks soo amazing! I wish I could get that organized. Maybe this will be motivation.

  8. I just couldn't agree more! What an inspiration (on so many levels! All of your hard work will pay off immensely. Everyone is so excited for the launch! xo

  9. I subscribe to Glitter Guide... had no idea who was the author. I've always said "there has to be those people out there" :)... I think Passion is a big factor. Certainly Taylor does fabulous work! I am with Carly, your hard work will pay off... has it not already? I want you to know many images and posts you have shared have been a source of inspiration for me as I embark on my new blog. So, thank you!!

    Warmest Regards, Whitley Adkins Hamlin

  10. PS--Over 1,0000 followers already on Pinterest on a site that isn't even yet up and running?? I could only DREAM of such success! Kudos! xx-whitley

  11. She looks so amazing. I certainly cannot do a fraction of what she does!

  12. What a stunning fuchsia colour and she wears it with so much confidence. I can see why she'd be an inspiration!



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