Friday, January 18, 2013

damn you, universe!

...and i was having such a good week! you all know my dear cockapoo tucker? of course you do.

well yesterday afternoon i took him, his sister fiona, and their best best friend petunia (an 8-lb havanese) for a walk. when we came back in, i let them run up the front stairwell to my apartment on the third floor, only to realize the pitbull-lab mix that lives next door got out and was attacking fiona. tucker was in on it before i knew it, and no matter how hard i tried to pull the dogs apart, the neighbor's dog just kept lunging. i even opened my front door and shoved my dogs inside but the other dog was resilient and before i knew it we were all in my entryway. after about a minute of sprawling across the floor, trying to separate the animals, finally getting tucker into the bedroom with the door closed, and fiona and petunia into the bathroom with the door closed (tiny petunia managed to stay out of the scuffle, and thank GOD the big dog never went for her), all the while screaming "help" until my neighbor appeared from the basement where she had been doing laundry... ahh it was scary. talk about adrenaline.

after the animals were separated, i checked on them to see if and where they were bleeding. tucker had three very large, deep open wounds on his chest and armpit area (i'll spare you the open wound pictures)... i could literally see into him... i can't even explain it. it was horrifying. i saw petunia and fiona were fine. i grabbed tucker and fiona and went to the ER vet (wasn't positive fiona wasn't cut anywhere so i brought her in case). two hours later, he was put under, cleaned out, stitched up, and now has a drain sticking out of his armpit, a half-body cast/bandage, and a cone for three weeks, and pills that will likely make him sick... poor guy was up most of the night crying (i was up with him) and even now, he's sitting next to me huffing out little whimpers as i write...

i don't know if it's the cone or the pain. i assume both.

but what a man, taking the brunt of it to protect his two little ladies. fiona's been cuddling with him since we came home and slept next to him all night. wish us luck over the next three weeks. i'll keep ya'll posted.

hope your weekend is happier!


  1. I'm so sorry Alaina, that is so so scary. So glad sweet Tucker is (kind of) ok!

  2. Poor sweet Tucker- so glad he's OK and hope he feels much much better soon.

  3. Poor Tucker! What a brave pup. Hope he heals quickly and feels better soon!

  4. So terrifying! That sweet little face. Give him some extra smooches for me, so glad he is home safe with his mama! xo

  5. Oh my goodness this breaks my heart. Sending wishes for a quick recovery to Tucker and to you (sometimes these things are even harder for us doggy mamas.)

  6. Oh no, sorry to hear that your Tucker got hurt, I hope he feels better!

    But please don't think that all pitties are evil and aggressive. I am appealing to you and to everyone reading this. Any dog (even Doberman Pinschers) are territorial and have the ability (nature) to attack other dogs they haven't seen or interacted with before.

    I wish little Tuck a speedy recovery and am so thankful that the two ladies didn't get hurt.

  7. Oh my goodness, I don't know how you held it together! The poor baby - but seriously what a man, defending his ladies! I hope you ripped the other dog owner a new one, if someone has a dog aggressive dog they need to be extra responsible and make sure they are secured.

    I hope you and Tuck get some rest, sleep and lots of snuggles this weekend!


  8. Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I can only imagine how scary that must have been for you. You must be so proud that he stepped in and clearly the other two are grateful! Fingers crossed for his speedy recovery. xx

  9. Oh God, how terrible, his face says it all, poor little thing!

  10. This makes me so angry! I know all owners think their dogs will behave but they are animals and you never know how they will react! I hope your neighbor pays your vet bill. My dog got into it with a large dog who was being walked around the neighborhood WITHOUT a leash. Luckily they just wrestled but people need to be more careful. This infuriates me! Glad he's ok and I'm sure your cuddles over the weekend will help him, poor baby!

  11. So sorry you had to go through this! I hope little Tucker gets well ASAP. But I agree with Megan -- I hope you don't think all pitbulls are aggressive. Clearly the owner was at fault here and I hope she offers to pay for Tucker's care. There's nothing worse than a hurt pup!

  12. Awe poor little nugget. Sick pets/ pet injuries are the absolute worst and definitely stressful for all involved. Hopefully you get to spend some downtime with them and his recovery goes smoothly and quickly!

  13. That's horrible! I hope Tucker feels better soon. Like you said though, what a guy, he protected his girls. Hope your weekend gets better!

  14. Oh how terrible!!! I'm so sorry. Poor little guy. I feel so bad for him. How terrified you must have been!! Glad it didn't get any worse. Good luck over the weekend taking care of Tucker (he's adorable by the way) and hope you get some rest too!

  15. I am so sorry! As the mother of two maltese, this is one of my biggest fears. Sending lots of love Tucker's way!

  16. Oh my goodness, my heart is breaking. What sweet sweet dogs. Hope Tucker is feeling better. Sending puppy hugs his way.


  17. Poor puppies! I'm sorry you had to deal with that, and I hope he recovers quickly!

  18. I hope Tucker heals soon! It made me sad/angry just reading that because I have been in a similar situation before and it is terrifying and anxiety inducing.

    I hope the owner of the dog has offered to pay for some/if not all of the vet bill. That is ridiculous.

  19. oh no! this is horrible! i am so glad he is going to be okay. and that is amazing that he protected the girls. i can't imagine what you are going through. i would have ripped the other owner a new one. i hope they are paying for the vet bills.

  20. Oh poor Tucker!!! Give him a big hug and a kiss from me. He's such a brave pup to save his lady dogs :(

  21. omggg how awful/scary/sad. here's to hoping Tucker has a quick recovery and gets lots of treats and love for his act of valor :) x

  22. That's so scary! I'm glad Mr. Tuck is going to be ok. He's a stud.

  23. Oh no, poor guy! Hope he's doing better and your neighbor is helping with the vet bill.

  24. Poor sweet Tuck. I'm so so sorry! Sending lots of love.

  25. Wishing little Tucker a speedy recovery! Poor little guy!!

  26. Oh my goodness, how scary. I'm so sorry to read this, friend. Sending love and hugs all round.

  27. Wow! I can't even imagine! I'm so sorry, I hope that he's feeling back to his old self soon. What a hero he is! :)

  28. What an awful, scary time! Glad he's ok and recovering! Hope the weekend gets much better, Alaina!

  29. How terrible! And scary! I hope he has a speedy recovery and your neighbor learns how to keep his/her dog under control.

  30. Stop these cones make me so sad!

  31. This makes me so sad. I hope he recovers well.

  32. Im glad Tucker is on the road to recovery. The whole experience muast have been very scary for you and the dogs. A weekend of rest is in order.

  33. Oh my gosh that is so scary. I hope that your neighbor will do the right thing and cover the vet bills.

  34. Oh no! You poor mama! What an awful experience - especially after the rough couple of weeks you've already had. :( I'm sorry, lady. Fingers crossed Tucker heals up quick, and that you're able to get some rest, too! xo

  35. Your post just brings up all these sour emotions I have towards irresponsible owners of big dogs. And I don't care what people may say, but I'm petrified every time I see a pitbull. (Sorry, but it doesn't help when the owner says "He's friendly" and the pitbull is backing me into a corner with my dog.)

    My dogs too have been attacked by big dogs.
    One of the big dogs (she was as tall as I was standing on all four paws), I knew she had an eye on my little Westie and I tried to get away from her as fast as I could. But no, I could tell the irresponsible owner was just not holding onto the leash very tight and she just took off towards us. I tried to stop her, even by kicking her, but she just kept coming around and biting my dog on his back. My poor pup was crying so loud...

    I'm sorry your pup got attacked too; however, he'll get better very soon and he'll be back to his old self in no time.

  36. How terrible! Here's to a speedy recovery, Tucker:)

  37. So sorry. Damn the pet owners who don't watch their dogs!

  38. that's so horrible! My little Ellie was bit by a big dog about a year ago (she's a 20 lb jack russel mix). The dog bit her right above the eye and got infected, making her eye swell shut. I felt so bad for the poor little thing.

    I'm sure you don't want bad blood with a neighbor, but I do hope you make her aware of what her dog did and how it is her responsibility to be aware of her dog, especially if it is aggressive or large.

  39. Poor Tucker! So sorry you and he had to go through that. I hope he's all better soon.

  40. That is so scary!! Just glad it wasn't worse. Get better Tucker!!

  41. Oh my goodness, poor little guy! I am so sorry he was attacked, that's crazy. And what a great protector he is. Hugs and kisses to Tucker. Hope he heals soon.

  42. oh my! i was literally holding my breath throughout this entire post...i'm so sorry this happened to your little guy - how terrifying this must have been for everyone involved! it's one of my biggest fears for my little howard (an 8lb bichon frise/toy poodle). give tucker a long tubby rub for me!

  43. First and foremost, I'm glad he's ok. But, not only does your neighbor need to pay your vet bills, you should report the dog. While it doesn't have to result in the pit being put down, the owner needs to realize the importance of being in control of their pet and needs to take her dog back to obedience school. This isn't a punishment for the dog, there needs to be a punishment for the owner.

    Just a disclaimer, I had a dog who was prone to biting (not a pit, but a big dog) it's not easy, but owners of certain breeds need to be aware of the responsibility they've taken on. I've known many pit owners, and those dogs are some of the best behaved creatures I've ever met, but they're also extremely well trained and controlled. Your neighbor needs to take responsibility for everything and then prove to you (and everyone else) that this won't happen again.

  44. This just breaks my heart!!! I have that knot thing in my throat. I'm praying for Tucker's recovery and I hope it works out for the best with your neighbor!!

  45. Oh, darling, so sorry. How horrible. Praying the little guy heals and is back to his normal self in a jiffy.

  46. I have never experienced a fear worse than when my precious dogs are hurt or sick. I have two maltese under 10lbs. and one of them was also attacked- it was all I could do to keep it together so I can't imagine how overwhelming it must have been with three dogs to take care of. I am so relieved to hear all three pups are safe but I am so sorry for your precious Tucker. I'm glad he has a wonderful mommy and I'm sure he will recover quickly with all the love he gets. It is truly amazing that dogs can go through such trauma and still don't miss a beat in sharing their unconditional love with us. I hope you get lots of rest as well. As mentally exhausting as this things are, they are always more physically taxing on us than we realize as well. Take care!

  47. how scary! what a brave hero Tucker is.

  48. Oh No! Poor Tuck! As dog owners our pups are our little fur babies for sure. I am so sorry you are going through this. But I have to speak to the Pitbull issue in response to some of the comments. This really has nothing to do with the breed. This has everything to do with it's owner allowing this dog to be off-leash and unsupervised. All dogs, big or small, like humans, have different personalities. Kind, loving, possessive, jealous, territorial, dominant, etc etc. And all dogs when left unsupervised, have the ability to do harm. So we, as dog owners should know our own dogs and the limitations we should put on them in order to be responsible pet owners. And the reality is this dog could have been startled by the smaller pack, feeling the need to attack, as easily as it could have just been an aggressive dog. Who knows. Not any of us anyway since we don't know the dog. Nevertheless, the onus should lie with the owner. So please be careful about reporting. in some cities, reporting a dog bite can indeed result in the dog being put down. especially when involving a pit bull or other dogs that are said to be "aggressive" like German Shepherds and Rottweilers. (For example, Miami-dade county has a ban on what they classify as dangerous breeds, and although many still own these breeds, if one of these breeds is reported on, even if it was defending itself, its owner, or its owners home, it will be put down.) Thats why responsible ownership is key. That being said, I do agree that the owner should have at least offered to pay for the vet bills. Again, I am so sorry Tuck is suffering. I am sure he will be playing with the gang again soon enough. xo

  49. That makes me so ANGRY that the pitbull was allowed to roam so freely when they can be so aggressive towards other dogs! I hope the owner came over and apologized in addition to some resolution to make sure this NEVER happens again!

  50. AHHH! I am so glad he is ok. My friend's aggressive dog who walks all over her totally attacked my (25 lb) dog last week and as I tried to get her dog off my dog and hoped i didnt get bitten, she just STOOD there! Once it was over I put my dog in another room and she just sat there talking to me as her dog was trying to rip my coat sleeve off, like then suddenly goes, "oh wait, STOP!" to the dog but i stop him. My friend's dogs were attacked on their run by a big dog last week and when she went back to berate the owner he just shrugged. Moral of the story if you have a dog that is aggressive you need to be assertive and keep control of the darn things!!!! Some people are not meant to have aggressive/dominant dogs!!!

  51. Who was the dog and who is the owner? Do you have a friend who is an attorney? You should get the vet bills back and most of all, law enforcement should get involved so that it's on record somewhere that this dog has these tendencies. Maybe it will cause the owner to be more responsible in the future, and prevent this dog from attacking or even killing other pets or children.

  52. This is a nightmare - literally one that I have. I can tell your pups are your babies like mine, and I am sending you all good vibes and sympathy. <3

  53. oh my goodness, this made me cry. cubbie (my precious malti-poo) and I will be thinking of tucker and praying for a quick and comfortable recovery!! hope you reported that pit-bull, and i DOUBLE hope your neighbor is paying your vet bill!

  54. Poor Tucker. I cannot imagine if something happened to my dog like that. I would be one hysterical lady. I hope that the other owner offered to pay for the vet bills. It's incredibly irresponsible not to watch your dog when you know they have aggressive tendencies. But with that being said, I'm just glad he is okay - it was awful that it happened but it could have been way worse. Sending him warm thoughts and lots of bacon (unless that makes him sick too).

  55. This brought tears to my eyes. I can't imagine how you must have felt watching that happen. :( I hope Tucker feels better soon. What a brave little guy.



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