Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Alaina's in Mexico and needs a guest blogger take 1: Carlee of Deliciously Organized

Hi, this is Carlee over at Deliciously Organized. I was thrilled when Alaina asked us to guest post this week and decided to share one of my recent projects with you all. I've been wanting to try chalkboard paint for a while and finally picked some up. I had a couple of mirror frames that I really couldn't find a place for in our home so I decided to paint them. It was such a breeze. Here is my before...

I taped it off and then painted:


I don't plan on writing [with chalk] on this frame... I love the texture and color the way it is.

I also did an old larger frame that wasn't being used...For this frame all I've done is painted 2 coats of the chalkboard paint over the glass:

You can use a chalkboard to label cookies, etc.

You could also paint a couple of jars and add flowers with a message or add a label to a spice jar...etc.

If you haven't tried out the chalkboard paint yet, I highly suggest it. There are so many different uses for it. I've seen it at craft stores but here is the brand I used and loved:
*all photos from deliciously organized*


  1. great idea! i definitely want to try this! thanks! have fun in mexico!


  2. Carlee is so cute, she always has the best ideas!!

  3. Great project that Carlee did here. Love the use of paint!

  4. Great post, Carlee! I need some chalkboard paint in my life, ASAP!

  5. LOVE your picture frame! And the picture of the cookies. Yum!!!



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