Thursday, December 15, 2011

Styling Secrets: What They Don't Show You At Home

Pssst.... hey you. Yeah, you. All of you coming here looking for style inspiration. You know those beautiful homes you see in magazines and on blogs and websites? The ones that look so perfect with their colorful flowers on the mantel and fresh bread on the kitchen counter they make you wonder why your home never looks so great? Well, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. I'm about to show you what the rest of the room - the half of the room not seen through the lens - looks like. I present to you the job of a stylist.

I can only assume some of you remember the Jess LC photo shoot look book I styled back in September? This may jog your memory: Liz and myself sporting Jess LC scarves and iPad cases. Fancy.

What we didn't show you was the before photos. Liz and my clothes sprawled out around my bedroom, making it easier to put outfits together. Liz had to cart over several garment bags of clothes, and I unloaded a good fraction of the contents of my closets. It was a mess. And as you can see, Jess brought over several bags of Jess LC products and accessories, which so willingly took over my dining room table.

Similarly, you may recall the Refinery29 One Room/Two Ways feature I styled back in October. The photo shoot where I transformed my tiny office space into a dressing room, showing how a tenant could make practical use of the awkwardly small extra bedroom many Chicago apartments have.

 Well, this is what the rest of my house looked like while I worked on that project... (That doorway just beyond the TV is the entry to the office.)
The entire contents of my office exploded all over my living and dining room. It was crazy. And a bit inconvenient. I had to run around the city picking up items from my favorite retailers to style the new space, but the finished product made it all worth it.

So why am I talking about styling? Because despite the mess, despite the heavy lifting, despite the trial and error with seven different accents until realizing which item looks best in the shot, I've found it to be my new favorite job. I've been doing it nonstop for The Everygirl (and previously did it for Rue and several other freelance gigs), and I'm loving every minute of it. 

And while I've learned a lot with each new experience, I want to continue to get better at it! So I created a new Pinboard strictly for Styling inspiration, and I encourage all of you to check it out! And please feel free to peruse my styling portfolio while you're at it; I've included some of my favorite projects there. Plus, now you have an idea of what the rest of those beautiful rooms actually looked like in order to get those annoyingly perfect shots. 

Shh... don't tell anyone I told you.


  1. i love it! (especially the wine bottle amongst the crazyness, sometimes you need a drink while you do a project, no? haha!)

  2. a great behind the scenes look, alaina! love understanding more about this stuff :)

  3. I love this honest look behind the scenes, so much fun to be apart of!

  4. so my house still has hope! it always looks like the off-shot part of the room...btw, love your blog pic, I hope my daughter is as happy and content when she's your age as you look on your pic...congrats, all the luck (can't say it enough!)

  5. I've never really thought about Styling as a career, but I love this post. It is honest and messy and at the same time seems like so much fun!

  6. Oh I love the behind the scenes photos! The messes you can make with these projects can be a pain, but also so much fun. I've seen you growing in your styling role over the past few years and only see great things for you in the future! Looking forward to seeing more of your projects soon! xo

  7. Aw!! I miss that shoot! You did a FANTASTIC job styling and modeling the shoot!! I am so thankful for your help and friendship!! : )

    And congrats on announcing TEG yesterday, I'm off to post about it now!

  8. Looks messy but like a ton of fun! I love to see behind the scenes, so awesome.
    I'm having a CC Skye necklace giveaway, check it out if you're interested!

  9. thank you for sharing! I love seeing 'behind the scenes' pictures and hearing stories, so this was very interesting. I used to work at a fashion magazine and always found it so interesting to see the absolutely perfect 'after' shots which have zero hint of the chaotic, messy photo shoots!

  10. Hahaha! I love this! I feel like this happens to me any time I start a new project. I look up and somehow it's like a bomb went off everywhere else. I'm excited to see more styling from you. You are so talented so the final outcome always comes out as a big "wow"!

  11. What a fun behind-the-scenes post! I used to style/merchandise an art gallery, we would rehang and restyle the entire 5,000 sf gallery every 2-3 months. It's always amazing how something beautiful can come out of the chaos. ;-)

  12. this is so so fun to see - i love messes that become beautiful snapshots! i have been a part of this chaos first hand;) xo

  13. I love it!! The chaos is kind of fun to look at. :)

    So here's a question: when you purchase stuff for shoots and they don't work, do you end up returning them? Or do you hang on to them for a future styling gig?

  14. Great post! It's kind of fun to see what goes on behind scenes sometimes, even if it's pure chaos! xo

  15. Love this post! Such a reality check. So excited for Every Girl!

  16. I love getting a peek behind the scenes! My boyfriend worked as a production assistant for several years so I've seen the styling that goes into sets and reality TV homes. It starts out as a mess, but then the end result is AMAZING

  17. People are always surprised when I tell them what it took to get the perfect shots I style. The tricks about bubble wrap and tape and tons of t-pins. Its so funny! I couldn't imagine creating that havoc in my own home though. Someday maybe!

  18. I love behind the scenes features! Can't believe that in all that chaos you had the time to think about on taking pictures of it!

  19. Super fascinating! I found your blog through Jess LC and I have to say - I'm already hooked! I was wondering if you happen to know the color of your living room walls? That's the EXACT color I've been looking for for mine! :)

  20. Thanks so much for this post! It's nice to see the imperfection behind the scenes of these projects- it makes me feel better about my home ;) I love love love your blog by the way (I'm a new reader.)

  21. Oh gosh. I just scrolled down and saw that you've already answered this question in a previous post! Dolphin Fin by Behr, right? :) Thanks!!!

  22. Love the new pinboard! I can already tell there will be lots of repinning on my part.

  23. love the honesty! i've always thought I want to be a photo stylist as well, but always wondered how one begins that job?

  24. Bloggers are human too! Love this post! It's great to see how posts get put together and all the hard work behind the scenes!


  25. Lovee this behind the scenes look and thank you for being one of the few to admit that rooms don't just pop out perfectly. Looking forward to seeing what you pin!

  26. Just found your blog via a FF link on vmac+cheese...and I am in love! You have such a great voice and these photos are so wonderful (maybe reassuring is the right word?):-) We all can't be it's nice to see a blogger share the "back door" view every now and then :-)

    XO - Marion

  27. such a refreshing post!! love the behind the scenes !

  28. Styling is a huge love of mine, yet I totally freeze when it comes to staging my OWN stinkin' house (why does that happen?!) Pretty neato job you got.

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