Wednesday, July 13, 2011

So Long, Hermione Granger


Yesterday, Emma Watson arrived at the premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2 in a jaw-dropping Bottega Veneta gown. It's made quite an impression with people either loving or hating it, and I must admit, I fall into the former category. Between the corseted canvas top and dramatically draped satin skirt, I think this gown is equal-parts sexy and unique. I also love how the pewter tones accenting the gold sheen of the skirt add even more movement to an already flowing gown. And when it comes to the styling, the slicked-back pixie cut and dramatic "Black Swan-esque" make-up launch the now 21-year-old even farther from brainiac Hermione Granger towards the fashionable A-lister she's become.

What are your thoughts on the less conventional red carpet gown?

I was wondering who the tall, dark handsome man on the far right of the group photo was... who is that random with all the movie's main stars?... I thought. Oh. I don't know! It's only actor Matthew Lewis. AKA pudgy, awkward Neville Longbottom! And who doesn't love Neville? This young gentleman has blossomed quite nicely, if I do say so myself... pretty sure we'll be seeing more of his dapper face in the near future. Well done, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis. Well done.

"I'm Hermione Granger. And... you are?"
"Um, Ron Weasley."

Hah! Gets me every time.



  1. she's awesome. i can't wait to see the last film! i bet the theater is going to be all abuzz with excitement!

  2. LOVE the dress. People hate this? Really?
    The colour combination, the frayed edges on the bodice, the pinned up bustling.. perfect. And I agree, the styling is amazing too, keeping her looking young and fresh and age-appropriate.
    It's a win in my book!

  3. I love it that she took this risk and I think she pulled it off beautifully. At first, when I saw her hair and makeup, I was like, "ewww!" But then I got a closer look where I saw the detail in her eye makeup and I fell in love! I see why everyone doesn't like this look because it's not "safe," but it's even better than safe!

  4. She is absolutely PERFECT, one of my ultimate style icons! I love how she doesn´t use a stylist and is not afraid to take risks in fashion as well as in her life! Definitely an inspiring woman and a star to follow!
    Plus, I did several posts about her in previous days...definitely LOVE her!

    xx Ivana

  5. She is a knockout! But I do miss that little frizzy head of hair. She was so adorable but has turned into such a gorgeous woman!

  6. I don't think many people can pull off that dress, but she sure can. Loving her makeup as well...It definitely adds a lot to the whole look. What a beauty!

  7. not feeling it, love the top but the bottom is strange. She looked stunning in London, did you see her??

  8. I actually like the dress, but I can't take my eyes off Dan Radcliffe in that second photo. Please tell me that is not a sheer/see through black shirt.

    Can't believe the last movie is here. Must be so emotional for them!

  9. I thought it was weird and awesome. A great combo! One thing that lacks on the red carpet is originality, these people are artists, they should be doing exactly as she did, go out on a limb and take a fashion risk. She did great and looked beautiful.


  10. She's perfection, as always. I seriously love her style.

    And oh my god, Neville! I can hardly believe that's him!

  11. That is seriously Neville? He grew up nicely. I loved Emma's look with the exception of the eye makeup...

  12. Her look is seriously gorgeous - so striking and yet not over-the-top. Thanks for all the close-ups to see her makeup and jewelry :)

    Ann Marie

  13. Oh my god! Neville is HOT! He's always a favorite of mine, and now, even more so =)

  14. WHAT! that is one handsome fella! Can't believe it! And as for the dress goes, even though I love Bottega, I have to say I hate this dress, to me is like the didn't have time to finish the dress and got an old curtain and pinned on it, not even finished. Looks like one of those "you are out" dresses from Project Runway. But oh well, we all have our opinions, and I respect yours!

  15. My friends and I have had the same reaction over the last few days... "Oh my gosh, when did Neville get HOT?!!" I don't know when, but he sure did, didn't he!

    I am one of the few who can't make up their minds on Emma's dress. I love the risk, the color, the combination... but what bothers me is that it looks like she has added some huge piece of beautiful fabric to a slender form fitting dress... it just seems jarring to me.

  16. Holy hell is right!! He is yummy.

  17. I had the same "holy hell" reaction when I saw Matthew Lewis in an interview earlier this week!

  18. The Bottega is beautiful. Understanding it's Bottega. If one didn't know this, perhaps we would have thought part of the skirt came unsewn and had to be tacked back in place at the last second. The color is gorgeous, as is the canvas bodice. Can't wait to see the film.

  19. I fell in love with this dress when I first saw it on the runway. I think Emma's hair could be better but I do like the dress.

  20. I agree, she looks amazing! Also, I couldn't figure out who the guy on the end of that picture was until I got to your update. He looks great! I can't wait to see this movie, although I'm always really bad at actually getting to the theatre, no matter how excited I am!

  21. This dress is beyond amazing. This is why I love fashion.



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