Friday, April 2, 2010

See it Do it: Style Bent's Spring Butterflies

*images from Design*Sponge and Style Bent*

For those of you who don't know, I work from home. But before you get too jealous, know that this was not always the case. For a solid year after graduating (ok, you can slap me now), I too awoke every morning, hit snooze, grudgingly woke up, walked the dogs in the cold, showered, hopped on a bus, and made my way to my teeny, tiny, fluorescent-lit, grey cube. And let me tell you, it did not look like my current workspace (but I tried my best to spruce it up). But along with the dreaded cube came my diverse and delightful coworkers, not a ton, but just enough - it was a small office. I love and miss them.

What is the point of this tangent? Well, one coworker in particular happens to be as partial to DIY projects, style, and design as I am. (She and I bonded over too many hours of HGTV when we roomed together on a business trip. Oh, memories...) Annnnd she has a kick-ass and fairly new design blog, Style Bent! The way she is transforming her small, one-bedroom DC apartment on a budget - like most of us - has left me agog. See for yourself...

She went to Target and found this...

+ some yellow paper
= tada!
Told you. Kick. Ass.

Every other butterfly has a motivational note. Adorable.

She also painted vertical grey and white stripes on her walls. Love.

This fab room with my favorite color combination of all time is her inspiration for the new place. I am dying to see how it turns out. Aren't you?

So what are you waiting for? You can follow her here!

p.s. It's 80 degrees again today.
Peace out.
: )

*images from Style Bent, Target, Staples, and Decor Pad*


  1. Thanks for sharing another inspiring blog to add to my reader!

  2. I love that color combination too. Yellow is such a fresh, happy color.

  3. Yes, I am too! And thanks for adding her link, I love it when my favorite blogger's turn me on to the little gems they know about.

  4. Totally kick ass... I completely agree. I have to admit I am quite jealous that you work from home. I still work in cube land coming up on 3 years and I wish I could be doing something fun! Lovely blog by the way :)

  5. I love the butterflies. Looks really cool.

  6. Thanks for the blog love. And thank you for being yellow's spokesperson!

  7. B E A U T I F U L blog!
    Thank you for sharing the most amazing photos!



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