Thursday, April 21, 2011

alaina's notebook: navy + coral

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Last night while watching Glee, I found myself completely mesmerized by the beautiful color combination seen on Mercedes Jones while she sang at the end of the episode. Her sparkly navy dress lit up on stage and her soft pink lipgloss highlighted her lovely face while she belted out Aretha's Ain't No Way. The colors looked stunning against her soft brown skin and left me frantically Googling "coral and navy" color combinations. I present to you those findings in today's edition of Alaina's notebook.

....and for those of you who missed it or don't watch Glee anymore - because let's be honest, it's been lacking this season with every episode turning into a public service announcement to today's youth on the effects of bullying... we get it. Bullying sucks and jerks in high school grow up to be nobodies anyway - here is Mercedes' beautiful performance.


  1. I love navy and coral, and so so agree that Glee has been seriously lacking the funny and overdoing the messaging. But I thought Merecedes and Gwynnie nailed it the other night.

  2. Love that coral room with the navy rug! Love!

  3. absolutely love this color combo!

  4. I love this color combo as well! Very preppy!

  5. OH yes, i'm on the coral + navy train in a big way (see: polyvore set #2 in my post yesterday, haha!).

    and let's call a spade a spade: glee is a hot mess these days (makes me sad, but it's true)...


  6. I dunno, I thought the last episode was kinda boring (aside from Mercedes's performance), but I sort of think we need some of the heavy-handed messages. Did you watch Full House and Saved by the Bell when you were growing up? Those shows were all about the after school messages. Maybe I'm just not watching them (I imagine Disney Channel probably still does it), but it doesn't seem like many shows promote any kind of positive message anymore. I think that's got to have an effect on young people. I know when I taught my high school students openly admired the characters in Gossip Girl and the people on Jersey Shore. I'd much rather them get a bit of a positive push from Glee... (Of course, Glee does have a very wide audience, and I suppose they should be careful not to estrange the slightly older crowd, who a. will tire of the public service announcements much quicker and b. probably don't need them as much anyway.)

    Stepping off the soap box now. Sorry about that! And, yes, I do think navy and coral is a lovely combo! Reminds me of Lilly Pulitzer!

  7. Oh I LOVE that last room! What a cheery way to wake up. Mercedes definitely stole the show the other night, but I am missing Rachel Berry and all of her dreamy ballads for Fin.

  8. Thank you saying that about Glee! At first I really liked how they were addressing the issues but enough already! I also am getting really tired in general of all the class status bs shown in teen media. I mean I went to a high school that was VERY cliquey and definitely had popular kids and nerds but no one was getting slushied in the face or thrown in a trash can. It's beyond reality. And why aren't the teachers doing anything about it? So unrealistic.

    Anyways, loved your spread. Wish I could buy that dress!

  9. I still love Glee, but yes, too much patronising...
    beautiful olors and picks!

  10. LOVE this color combo!! i might use it in my wedding..with light blue and green thrown in. xoxo jcd :: cornflake dreams

  11. Love this combo... my friend is using it for her wedding color scheme, can't wait!

  12. My two favorites hues!xxx

    Love this.


  13. I'm so behind the times re:Glee- I've never seen an epsiode- ridiculous. Anyhow- love love navy and coral- so elegant and chic.

  14. I LOVE the navy and coral combo !! That bedroom is so cute !


  15. Navy and coral is my go to color combo this season... now to just get the Boy on board with coral...

  16. obsessed with this color combo this season. already have two dresses in this combo for spring!

  17. Crazy...someone sent that bedroom photo to me today for inspiration for her blog :)

    About the pouf - the issue is really where I'd put it. You've seen my place! Space is an issue.

  18. As soon as I read "navy & coral" I was like: "No way!!" Honestly Alaina, I'm starting to believe that we were twins in another life ;) I have a "navy & Coral" folder on my desktop waiting to be edited on photoshop and I just haven't got the time to do it. You will probably wouldn't believe me, and it's ok, I understand, but more than bummed I'm just flattered that my mind works a tiny little bit like yours ;)
    Sorry, I just had to tell you, I just couldn't stop thinking about it as soon as I read your post 10 min ago!

  19. I just saw that Kendi Everyday's outfit today would fit pretty well into your board. Her blue isn't a true navy, but it's pretty darn close. As they say "great minds..."

  20. love the color combo!

    I agree about Glee, although I think the main problem is that they seem to have forgotten about keeping a storyline. Everything lately has seemed a bit random. I still love the music though! Hopefully they get back to how it was during season 1. :)

  21. Love this colour combo and what you've put together!! That bedroom is one of my faves!

    And I've kinda given up on glee. Until someone tells me it's amazing again, I probably won't be watching.

  22. Love the color combination and found myself clicking away to see what was from where. I am so tempted to purchase those flats.



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