Monday, April 25, 2011

'Serts are what I call desserts.

'Serts are what I call desserts.
Tre-tre's are entrees.
I call sandwiches sammies, sandoozles, or adamsandlers.
Air conditioners are cool blasterz with a "z." I don't know where that came from.
I call cakes big ole' cookies.
I call noodles long-ass rice.
Fried chicken is fry-fry chicky-chick.
Chicken parm is chicky-chicky parm-parm.
Chicken cacciatore... chicky catch.
I call eggs pre-birds... or future birds.
Root beer is super water.
Tortillas are bean blankies.
And I call forks food rakes.
- Tom Haverford's food slang from Parks and Recreation

1. Because some things are too good not to share.
2. Because someone had to transcribe this brilliance so I can start quoting it on a regular basis. Thank you, self.
3. If you don't already watch Parks and Rec, start. Now.


  1. We are having Chicky Chicky Parm Parm tonight inspired by silly Tom's rant. Thanks for transcribing, I will also be working this in to my "at home" vocabulary, so the rest of the world doesn't think (or doesn't confirm) that I am nuts

  2. you have excellent taste in tv. but I think I already knew that!

  3. Thank you so much for transcribing this! When I watched it today, I just new it was going to be one of the scenes of the season :)

    C x

  4. Oh, I'm definitely stealing chicky chicky parm parm !

  5. Love this, retweeting it to my people who love parks and rec!! This show is so awesome and dare I say, better than 30 Rock.

  6. Best. Show. Love that you transcribed this! I laughed my ass off again just reading it. You are awesomesauce.

  7. Parks and Rec is one of the best shows on TV and I don't think enough people watch it! I loved this scene ... thanks so much for transcribing it!!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. it was the highlight of the show, if not the season, for sure. bean blankies are the best. thanks for posting this.

  10. I ve been watching it non stop on netflix...cant wait to catch up!

  11. Ha, thanks for transcribing! I loved this scene, it was one of the funniest of that episode. :)

  12. AMEN! That show was a game changer. Now pass the food rake...

  13. I want you to know that I've played this numerous times throughout my office today. And watched the episode twice last night - one for me, one for Leslie. I died, so funny!

  14. Funniest guy on TV right now!

  15. you're doing the lord's work my friend. the lord looks down on you and smiles.

  16. Seriously one of the best shows on TV right now. It makes me so happy to watch it. I want to date Tom. I think my boyfriend would even allow it. Also, if we're wishing for things, I would like to work at the parks department. In. Love.

  17. He is hilarious! Me and my DH were dying laughing when this came on.

  18. Hahahaha I love Tom and Parks & Rec and LCY even more now for sharing this! Now I need to get back to munching on my sandoozles and sipping on my super water.

  19. LOVE this show. i was so glad it came back on :) tom is the best. xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams

  20. God, I laughed so hard when we watched this over the weekend. Tom is brilliant. Have you heard his stand up? IT's pretty freaking amazing, I suggest giving it a listen on grooveshark and preparing to laugh!

  21. That episode was hilarious! Tre-Tre's are entrees...hahaha. Greatness.

  22. I'm just sittin' around, waiting for Li'l Sebastian's triumphant return...



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