Monday, April 25, 2011

Don't know why there's no sun up in the sky...

... stormy weather.

What a gloomy Monday. I wish I could embrace it like this happy-faced, yellow-haired lady. But after working all weekend, I'd much prefer some fresh air and sunshine streaming through my office window instead of the sound of cars swishing through puddles. Fortunately, I'm putting my new wellies to good use! 

How was everyone's weekend? From what I can tell, the rest of the world is enjoying 70-degree temperatures, boat rides, and hints of a summer tan on their faces.

Are you there, summer? It's me, Alaina.

Photo sources: 1, 2


  1. I feel like it's never going to come. The trees outside our apartment still haven't bloomed. COME ON! It's almost May!!

  2. We had a GORGEOUS day here in Seattle on Saturday (not too hot and lovely blue skies) but yesterday it was back to overcast and today has been non-stop rain. Luckily I don't mind it too much (and our garden needs it!). Stay dry!

  3. Here in SF, we keep getting a day or two of gorgeous weather followed by three or four days of rain and gloomy skies. It's such a tease! Cannot WAIT for summer.

  4. I'm kind of convinced summer won't be making an appearance this year. But the eternal optimist in me keeps hoping that all this rain will be worth it with a summer full of green grass and lots of pretty flowers!

  5. ugh. yes. so sick of the stormy weather! yesterday it was sunny which was nice for a change but im just ready for summer now. xoxo jcd :: cornflake dreams

  6. i feel you girl. the hunters really do help though! :)

  7. Alaina, if the sun came to London, it will definitely make it to Chicago too! :)

  8. i'm with you! i love my hunter boots and all but enough is enough.



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