Wednesday, August 3, 2011

To paint or not to paint? That is the question.


So it's been decided my roommate and I will be resigning our lease. Translation: the odds of me tiring of the black gallery wall in my office are good to very good. What are your thoughts on switching out the dark, bold neutral for a fun, fresh minty green color like this Kate Spade pop-up store? Vote now!


  1. Go for the mint! I painted a couple pieces in my apartment (since I couldn't paint the walls) a minty green. It's a fresh, bright pop of color!

  2. i voted for the mint! but i also think that mint is very trendy right now and you may or may not be painting it again in a few years. :) but i think mountainview will be delicious looking!

  3. I have a wall in our home that's painted with that exact Behr color.. I love it!

  4. I say go for the mint- loving that shade right now!

  5. Love! You know I've wanted to paint my place for forever. Just didn't want to deal with painting & having to paint over the paint once I move.

  6. i love the black, but i can't stop looking at the minty green of kate spade. love both looks!!!

  7. We just painted our bedroom minty green! It's so pretty and soothing!

  8. I love the minty green idea but I think black is so striking - I vote keep it black!

  9. I painted a wall in my spare bedroom black all because of your office! I love the black!!

  10. I adore the black wall but I totally get you wanting a fresh look. Go minty!

  11. Mint is awesome.. loving it. But I vote keep! The black is perfect in that space!

  12. The black wall is such a great statement but I think the mint would be so fresh, a fresh change I think.

  13. i adore the black but totally get wanting a new look - so go for it! if you don't like it...well, it's only paint :)

  14. Hi! I just recently discovered your wonderful blog. I too have been considering a minty green color. Check out Micheal Penny's home tour on Canadian House & Home. He used F&B Pale Powder in his living room and F&B Teresa's Green in his den. Lovely home tour!

  15. I love the minty green - it's very fresh. Maybe even something like a light blueish/gray could work? Definitely something to brighten the space.

  16. Can't hurt to try! I have mint green in my entryway and I looove it!

  17. Argh! I've been considering repainting my kids' shared bedroom a minty color, away from a mustard color. This is not helping me resist!

    And yes, go for the repaint. You can always paint it back to black, right?

    Nothing ventured... nothing gained!



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