Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Because I love pulling on your heartstrings...

"I thought I understood it.
But I didn't. Not really.
I knew the smudgeness of it.
The eagerness of it.
The idea of it.
Of you and me."


Are you crying yet? Because I did it. All three times I watched it.

If the trailer is any indication, Like Crazy is going to be one of those achingly beautiful and heart-wrenching films I can't help but want to see. This coming from a girl who only watches Nora Ephron films with happy endings. But there just seems to be something so simple and real about this story. There's something everyone can relate to... and anyone who has ever had to deal with a long-distance relationship... it's fair to say the airport scene at the 1:45 mark says it all.

And for those readers always looking for some new, good tunes, the songs from the trailer are below.

"Dead Hearts" by Stars

"Can't Help Falling In Love" by Ingrid Michaelson


  1. Oh goodness this is going to be a sob fest! But it does look so good. Thanks for sharing.

  2. That movie will require an entire box of tissues, but looks so so good. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Definitely on my must-see list! I only wish babysitters weren't so damn expensive... This one looks worth it, though.

  4. Holy MOLY. Break my heart whydontcha. I'm in the same boat as you. My friends all make fun of me because I'm a rom-com aholic and typically if it doesn't have a happy ending, I don't want to see it. AND I used to be an actor, so you can imagine much grief I would get for choosing When Harry Met Sally as my favorite movie. I'm still not entirely sure I could handle this one, but it looks so lovely and very well done. Thanks for sharing!

  5. You need to insert a warning in this post... DO NOT WATCH IN A PUBLIC PLACE. DOING SO WILL RESULT IN TEARS and having strangers ask if you are ok. Looks soo beautiful and sad and GOOD!

  6. Love that song...I am very much into romantic comedies in which there seem to always be happy endings, but I am looking forward to seeing this movie.

  7. I love Ingrid Michaelson! This cover is amazing.

  8. Yeah so. I might've just cried.

    And posted a rant on G+ about being single.

  9. Oh man. Yeah, I might've teared up and gulped a little. I had a very good college friend who was in a similar situation. Never fun! This looks SO good!!!

  10. Oh wow! That just brought up a lot of memories of my dating relationship with my now husband. After dating 3 years in college then 5 years of him playing basketball overseas we finally got married 2 years ago. So glad those chapters are over, but definitely think I'll see this movie!

  11. Aahhhhh!!! This sums up my relationship for the last 1.5 years: we met while both working in Hong Kong. He only had 3 months left there on his work contract so we both figured it would be a fling. At the end of month 3 he moved back to the UK and we traded visiting each other over and meeting up in random destinations all over the world for the last 1.5 years. It was difficult and there were times that I wondered what the hell I was doing... But I quit my job in HK and now I'm moving the UK to be with him in less than a month- got my visa in hand and am ready to go! Love prevails.. :-)

    p.s.: He is German and I am a Canadian of Jamaican parentage. To recap, we met in Hong Kong and now will be living together in London, UK. We are very international!! :-)

  12. p.s.s.: we have had our fair share of tearful goodbyes in the airport... sigh...

  13. Looks SO good. If you are looking for someone to see this with...I am in.




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