Friday, March 5, 2010

Artists I Love: Miss Pickles Weddings

Boy, do I love me some pretty graphic design. Naturally, seeing as I am a graphic designer. Hence I am eager to share the extraordinary talents of fellow designers when I stumble upon their work. Enter Miss Pickles Weddings. Her custom stationary and graphics are the epitome of everything I love about design: whimsical, light, and pretty. And Miss Pickles does it all.

Planning a wedding? Check.
Having a baby? Miss Pickles' has got you covered.
Starting a business? Look no further.

The Merci business cards above are perfection. As is the rest of Miss Pickles' portfolio...

the birth announcement above is my favorite. hands down.

honeycomb! you can purchase these darling 'thank you' cards here on etsy.

Love all the labels and things they do with food! Perfect for weddings and parties!

Can't forget the beautiful and whimsical logo designs Miss Pickles offers. Totally my aesthetic.
a yellow and grey logo and website? obsessed.


And for a little self-promotion...

The LCYgraphics Etsy shop should be up and running next week offering smaller versions of the travel prints in my home (8x10 and 5x7)!

Secondly, thank you for the 50 amazing comments written in response to my home tour over on Made By Girl. They made my forever. If you don't mind me sharing, here are some of my favorites:
"What an incredibly gorgeous space! Love that it was done on a budget!"
"I recently stumbled upon Alaina's site and absolutely LOVE it! She is such a talented designer. All of her spaces are unique, interesting, and beautiful. Great feature! : )"
"I love the artwork! Her apartment is beautiful!"

and for the mother of all comments... the greatest compliment a blogger/design junkie can hear:
"Her space reminds me of something you would have seen in Domino."


Ok, I am done being a braggart. I'm just in such a great mood. Thanks, again! Happy Weekend!


  1. What a great find! I love the little labels. I feel like I need to throw a party just to buy adorably designed cupcake labels.

  2. I love Miss Pickles! Thanks for sharing her. The personalized cigar labels are a great idea for my cigar obsessed fiance.

  3. wow! what an end-of-the-week treat to be featured on your blog! thank you so much, appreciate your kind words. i'm all twitterpated!

  4. Oooh what a talented designer! Thanks for sharing!

    P.S. I have like 153 e-mails to read/write but I promise, I will respond to your latest etsy convo asap! Just need to take the time to find my newest photo paper to see what kind it is :)

  5. I love beautiful stationary/paper. I hope we never loose the art of a hand written note on lovely paper. Again, thank you for introducing your followers to an amazingly talented designer/artist. Your blog is truly a wealth of information and creativity.

  6. I showed my beau your pics that you will be selling in your store last night and he said "here order them" (throwing debit card at me) and i said "the store isnt up yet!!!! "

    So count us in as some of your very first customers because we just had an offer accepted on a house this week and are very excited to crown our living room with your fabulous prints :)


  7. I didn't comment over at Made by Girl, so I thought I'd stop by and tell you three things: First, Your house is BEAUTIFUL! Love that you did it on a budget. Second, your blog is SO MUCH FUN and I have added to my blog list and Third, the travel prints in your home (and soon to be ETSY shop are so incredible. I wish I was talented enough to actually make my own art. I look forward to your Etsy shop!



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