Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring Ahead

Yay - it's spring!! It's officially light out at 5pm! And I hear birds chirping first thing in the morning! And I can run outside to let the puppies out without spending an extra 5 minutes putting on my mittens... and boots... and hat... and scarf... and the dogs' coats... etc. In celebration of this glorious first Monday of spring, I present to you a compilation of some of my FAVORITE rooms ever, all of which share a similar theme of light, happy colors that scream "SPRING!" In fact, just yesterday, while flipping through the Domino book, I said to my girlfriends that the living room shown above is one of my top five favorite rooms of all time. I love the mix of colors and styles of furniture and eclectic chachkas. So lovely. So spring!

pink rooms

teal rooms

more pink rooms!

light blue rooms!

yellow rooms!

you get the picture...

Read more about how I celebrate this lovely season over at Peppermint Bliss, as part of the "Thank Buddha, It's Spring" series.

So what about you, Dear Reader? What plans do you have for your home this spring? Any spring cleaning or big projects underway? Or just adding some fresh flowers here and there?


  1. I love spring, although I'm not sure our winter is over *just* yet.

    Great rooms! Love the Easter Egg hues.

  2. A lot of these rooms are my favorites too. I love all the soft colors!

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  4. Wow, I am really in the mood for spring now! That first picture is one of my faves too. Love it!

  5. YAY SPRING! I wish I was filthy rich and could redecorate my apartment to look like one of those glorious rooms!

  6. Very inspiring post for Spring. I'm ready to let the light shine in and brighten up my rooms!

  7. I love spring! It is my favorite season. I am not going to do anything different this spring, since I am moving to NYC after I graduate but I love looking at springy rooms!

  8. Im ready to spring ahead!! I love all of these rooms! soo gorgeous! I love spring decor all year long! :)

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    Kátia Marques Corrêa - Brazil - Santa Catarina

  10. I love the office with the pink shelves, so pretty. :)

  11. Hey Alaina!
    Im really loving your blog~
    im an interior architect in sydney australia, thought you might like to check mine out too!
    great work on getting your prints business off the ground too!
    sally x

  12. where can I get that mirror above the mantel in the blue room? It's so gosh darn pretty!

  13. so much eye candy. gorgeous!!!



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