Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Side by Side: J.Crew summer dresses

Loving J.Crew's vintage zebra-stripe Blakely dress. Not as much a fan of the Delphinia gown. I mean, really. Where would one wear this?

Add gold T-strap sandals and a brown leather belt. I can think of a gagillion uses for this ensemble.


  1. i have been wanting the sandals and i love the zebra dress, so chic.

  2. i actually like the delphina dress more, maybe its the pink factor, & long over short for me :) loveliest thoughts

  3. agree. the delphinia dress looks like a really pretty potato sack. no shape at all. the pink on it is pretty though!

  4. Delphinia gown would only look good on a size O.
    Sadly, that does not include moi.

  5. Zebra dress is cute, but you're right the other just would make you look larger than you are!

    Saw your home over at MBG, I loved it!

  6. Love the Safari shot---I absolutely NEED that outfit! XO

  7. I like the gown. But I think it needs some alterations. And I agree with colette that only a 0 would look good in it

  8. Really? I love both, especially the Delphinia! Yes, no idea where I would wear it, oh, but I'd love to wear it!

  9. I really like the zebra wrap-style dress, and the Delphinia is not bad either, in the right setting with the right fit. I see wearing it to a wedding in Sonoma ~

    ps ~ congratulations on all the exciting things happening for you in the blogosphere! It's so fun to watch things literally explode for you ~ :)

  10. Olá,
    I liked it its home office, and of all the ideas that I found here in its blog! Its apartment was pretty, congratulations.

    Tato - Brasil

  11. I LOVE the Zebra dress! I think I almost have to have it! Hope all is well and hope to see you and Nate in DC soon. :D

  12. I must have the zebra dress, gold sandals and belt at once!!!



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