Friday, March 19, 2010

Rain on Your Wedding Day...

... never looked this good.
*all photos by Our Labor of Love*

These beautiful and ethereal images remind me of trying to recall a hazy dream.

If you have an hour to kill, scroll through the blog of these talented photographers, Our Labor of Love. I featured another wedding back in September that they were responsible for capturing. Equally amazing.


  1. i just love their photography....they've received so much publicity in the last year i feel Our Labor of Love will be next to impossible to afford for a wedding....damn!

  2. You have to be one courageous bride to look this ethereal to rain on your wedding day ~ These photos are just beautiful ~


  3. Makes me kind of wish it had rained on my wedding day. Except I would never look as composed as this bride, and my hair would be a giant frizzy mess after getting wet.

  4. Oh my gosh! SO beautiful. My wedding day was beautiful and sunny and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way, but at least they made good use of the rain.

    Have a great weekend!

  5. It thundered and lightninged on my parents wedding day and although I wasn't there it was probably pretty wet...This little sprinkle of rain and mist really makes for some beautiful photography!

  6. Love this! It just proves that your wedding day can be beautiful rain or shine. XO Katie

  7. Gorgeous! It rained on my wedding day too, (thankfully was always going to be inside)! And now that song is stuck in my head!

  8. i love the one of the yellow shoe on the yellow street line. so visually interesting!



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