Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Mini city gardens

One of the approximate 10,476 reasons why I love Paris is the collection of beautiful flower boxes that dress up the already gorgeous windows. Not every building has them, but most of the hotels and fancy residential buildings don these colorful, perfectly manicured, tiny gardens. I don't see them very often around Chicago and I googled 'NYC flower boxes' and hardly anything came up... so I am thinking this a Parisian and suburban Stepford wife thing.

I love the bold, monochromatic coloring of these arrangements.

I plan on placing several flower boxes on my back deck to add color to otherwise entirely wooden structure. These balconies are all smaller than my deck and none of them have wooden railings, but they paint a good picture of what I'm after.
The pinks, reds, greens, and white iron are perfectly pretty and remind me of the Domino book cover.

Not a huge fan of plastic boxes but I love how lush this small balcony is. And it has fun string lights which I also plan on adding to my space.

I like how these are lowered and less in-your-face.

Not exactly flower boxes but you get the idea. It's amazing how a few plants can take something concrete and metal and make it natural and beautiful. Also love the white panel curtain. Can't you just imagine being on the other side of it and having it blown into the room with a warm summer breeze?

all images above via

As of right now I am on a the hunt for rounded, wrought-iron style like this. I saw something at Home Depot for $20 but it had heart swirls in the middle, and I'm not much of a heart girl. I prefer the classic look above.

Although Ikea's Olstig flower box in galvanized steel would be equally charming and much more budget-friendly at only $14.99 a pop.

I'll reveal the full plan for the back deck tomorrow so stay tuned!

Any of you own flower boxes? I've never managed to keep a plant alive so I'm a bit nervous about this project but insist on following through with it regardless. Any suggestions for types of flowers that can be easily taken care of?

For those that have a bigger garden, get some great seating for the summer months for the parties and BBQ's! Garden furniture sets are perfect for this.


  1. Hi. You may want to check Jayson Home & Garden. That is where I purchased my rounded wrought iron baskets (similar to the picture above). Thanks for sharing the beautiful pictures.

  2. Pretty pics. I love that about Paris too, maybe it's because they have so many wonderful flower markets available to them. I love the topiaries on their decks. xo

  3. I have zero recs, I too am entering the world of gardening for the first time this summer and I'm scurred. I love those monochromatic blue flowers though, beauty!

  4. I like Petunias in flower boxes because they usually multiply giving off a very full display. Plus they come in a variety of colors and are not hard to maintain. The only negative with Petunias is that you have to periodically deahead them so that the new ones can grow in. They're quite pretty though.

  5. SO in love with those pictures! The first picture of the red flower boxes on the building makes my heart drop- Paris study abroad is definitely in the cards!

    thanks again for the thoughtful and encouraging comment- too sweet! :)

  6. So pretty! I think flower boxes do so much to add to the beauty of a building. My vote is for the Ikea galvanized--they look simple and classic. Haven't done my spring flowers yet but here's a peek at my winter ones...for when that time comes! http://loftandcottage.blogspot.com/2009/12/winter-curb-appeal-part-ii.html

  7. I have a book called Container Gardens that helped me out quite a bit when we lived in a condo. I still use it even though we now live in a house with plenty of gardening space in both the front and back. It gives many ideas for all types of containers...especially if you haven't found your 'inner green thumb' yet- as I hadn't when I purchased this either:).




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