Friday, May 14, 2010

WWEPL: Where Would Emma Pillsbury Live?

It's no secret I am Glee-obsessed and think of the fictional character Emma Pillsbury as a style icon. But a blog post here and there is nothing compared to the dedication of Glee guru, Danielle, author and creator of WWEPW: What Would Emma Pillsbury Wear?

Danielle and I got to know each other back when I wrote the Style Icon piece on Miss Pillsbury, and even more so when she participated in my Kindred Spirits Countdown to Christmas series. After many a Tweets back and forth, I've truly come to realize Danielle is a gal after my own heart: she's funny, Glee-obsessed, doesn't take herself too seriously, and loves the color yellow as much as Emma and I. She recently asked if I'd like to do a guest post on what I imagined the inside of Emma's home to look like, seeing as it's never been onscreen in the show. You could say the rest is history. Or you could link over to her site to see the full room laid out thanks to my love of Photoshop.

Some Ingredients of Emma's Living Room
retro style sofa


sleek and chic coffee table




signature Mary Janes



Oh, and between the insanely nice intro paragraph courtesy of Danielle and the TWO POSTS written about my dressing room yesterday, I have never been more flattered in. my. life. I'm all twitter-pated. I mean, for realsies, Crystal even titled her blog post "The Talented Miss Alaina" and Chic Geek entitled hers "Show Stopper!" Seriously. I'm so baller, and I don't even try to be. Tell you what, send me a piece of paper and a stamped envelope and I'll mail you back an autograph. But only if it's stamped.

Chuckle. Chuckle. I kid. I kid.

On a serious note, thank you so much for the support and kind words, everyone! I love all the comments you leave - they make my day and in all honesty, make me like the work I do so much more. And I love all my fellow bloggers. So much in fact that I have plans to meet quite a few of you tomorrow night! (Pictures to follow.)

Have a great weekend!



  1. I can totally see her living there! Cute post!

    p.s. I am having my very 1st giveaway if you are interested. xo

  2. Hey, you are freaking awesome! Not only was your dressing room amazing, but the wall color you chose for your apartment has totally inspired me to try a nice soothing gray on the walls of my new place (which also has a lot of the nice period details that your place has!).
    So yes, can I get an autograph? ;-)

  3. Alaina, I just checked out your room design on the other site! WOW! You are sooo talented. Great room - I love the gray, yellow PEACEFUL and FEMININE! I want to live there!

  4. looooved it, so you and so Emma, fAB!!
    have a great weekend xoxo

  5. Love the ice cream colours and clean lines - perfectly for Miss. Pillsbury!

    Have a great weekend!

  6. You have her style so nailed down! I love that show! So cute!

  7. Perfection! The stylist at Glee could and should hire you!

  8. You ARE baller :) Btw, have I told you that I love the humorous style of writing in your posts? Well, I do!

    I'm off to check out Emma's living room...thought I've never seen an episode in my life (don't kill me!)...

  9. Alaina is a style goddess. That is all.

  10. She's super cute. I don't know how many times I say to myself "God I love her outfit" during the show!

  11. I am really going to have to check out Glee. I'm embarrassed that I don't watch it! Crazy! I can already tell I would like it by seeing Emma, she looks like my kind of girl!

  12. This is such a cute post- I think you've nailed it! Def loving the KS vase, it's so Emma P! :)



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