Monday, October 26, 2009

Kitchens on the cheap

The first time I went to an IKEA store, I was alone and completely overwhelmed. If you've ever been, you know where I'm coming from. You can't help but feel lost in a mouse trap. That was just a few months ago. I have since returned three or four times, each visit feeling a bit more at ease. I went yesterday and happened to have my trusty camera with me, so I was able to capture the one part of the ginormous store that has always caught my attention: the kitchen section. I cannot get over the fact that IKEA products can create such beautiful, hip, retro, you-name-it kitchens! I mean, they sell granite, people! And the prices are oh-so-low, which is oh-so-nice. If you're in the market for a kitchen reface, have a gander. You might find something you like.

(my pictures didn't turn out that great, so I stole a bunch from the IKEA website. enjoy!)

Love the farmhouse sink
lilac walls - totes adorbs
Yes, my eye initially goes to the boxer (they are sooo friendly if you've never met one), but then I look around the kitchen and this is definitely one of my favorites. I like how just part of the wall is tiled - not sure I've seen that before.

this white on black combo is quite striking
black cabinets paired with the industrial, stainless steel island - so very manly
red cabinets with magenta walls - so very girly!
it's white - of course, I love it.
not sure if it is, but these cabinets have that eco-friendly feel to em

awesome kitchen for a loft or condo
and my not-so-great quality photos from the store
the farmhouse sink in person! equally cool as in the catalogue


  1. I do enjoy the white one - it's quite traditional. But I'm also drawn to the darker, black ones. They just seem so regal. Either way, one day having a kitchen like that would be nice, although someone would need to cook in it.

  2. I am obsessed with Ikea. What fun it would be to have your whole kitchen done by them!

  3. Trying to design our tiny kitchen space right now so this has been very inspiring!!



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