Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Moving on.

*photo by Ryan Romero*

Wonderful news update: I am moving! (Well, in two months.)

And I'm adding a new post series to LCY! "Aaahhh!!!"... the crowd goes wild!

The boyfriend and I are in the market for a (pet-friendly) 2-bedroom apartment on the north side of Chicago. Stay tuned over the next several months for updates on purchases, design ideas, and photos from my hunt for the perfect apartment. You can easily track these posts by utilizing the series label "new apartment" in the right-hand menu column.

we're looking for something more like this...
with great architectural details.
and less like this... aka a box without any character.

Stay tuned. And wish us luck!

1 comment:

  1. It will be the best designed, furnished, and loved apartment of them all. Hooraaaaay!



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