Thursday, October 29, 2009

Spook it up

Halloween Post Day2
In case you're in the mood for some last-minute spookifying (yes, I just made that word up), here are a few simple, low-cost suggestions. And who better to get decorating and entertaining tips from than the master herself? Martha Stewart.

Decorating Tips
Super easy. Kinda creepy. Definitely scary.
Enough of the cheesy, faux cobwebs. Add some spiders to the mix!
I think this is kinda great if you have a staircase behind your entryway. Can't imagine that's super fun to cut out. I think just a few would do the trick.

In case you're entertaining, here are some fun, ghoulish baked goods to add to the mix.

And some cocktails. Yes, please.
I present to you the Halloween guru herself: Ms. Martha Stewart!
Don't believe me? Here's a before.
Yea... I'm just throwing on a cowboy hat and a plaid shirt while holding a microphone and calling myself Miley Cyrus. Hey, at least I'm not a witch again.

Question for Comments: What are you dressing up as??


  1. I have two favorites: 1. Shadows in the window - that's so cool. 2. Pina Ghoulada - how creepy yet delicious.

  2. Also, I don't know what to be. Can you do a post on Halloween costumes using stuff around the house? I was thinking of being a Chipotle burrito by wrapping myself in tin foil. I also have a skin tight black shirt and pants that are supposed to be for skiing - I thought I could go as a stagehand. Thoughts? What are other ideas?

  3. ohhh...those delicious drinks look wonderful! can you post the link for recipes? thank you!



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