Saturday, February 5, 2011

Busy in New Orleans

Sorry for not posting yesterday. I was busy romping around New Orleans with my very best friends. As I've said before, it's one of my favorite cities in the world, and despite the 35 degree temperatures and rain the past two days, I find this city as magical as always. I'll be back on Monday to recap my week of NYC and NOLA, but in the mean time, follow along on Twitter and Facebook as I post updates and photos of my trip.


  1. OHH!! Have fun in New Orleans!

  2. I love New Orleans & would think
    35F is better than 105F, which is what you get in summer. xx's

  3. Wow. I've never been to New Orleans and would love to go. The closest I got to the South this week was the airport area of Atlanta, Georgia! I was hoping to get my connector back to Canada but was it delayed due to the snow storm.

    Looking forward to your post on NYC (You've Got Mail) tour and New Orleans.

  4. Looking forward to seeing your posts on NYC & NOLA this week - I am heading to New Orleans myself on Tuesday, first time ever. Curious to see your post on NOLA!



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