Thursday, December 10, 2009

Style Icon: Glee's Emma Pillsbury

Have you ever wanted to be friends with a fictional character?

During the pilot episode of Glee, the image below flashed across my screen.
J.Crew's Penelope pumps in yellow and silver.
Paired with the monochromatic yellow ensemble, I knew this fictional character and I were cut from the same cloth.
Here's a PR shot of the actual shoes that I debated buying when they were available this past summer. Alas, I did not. Damn you, overpriced shoes!

***If you haven't already started watching Glee, do yourself a favor and tune in. The season is currently on hiatus due to another season of American Idol beginning, so now is the best time to catch up online. I am still giddy from last night's episode and plan on watching it again this weekend (or tonight).***

Anywho! This post is not about Glee as much as it's about my favorite character on the show: Emma Pillsbury, McKinley High's guidance counselor and possibly the most fashionable guidance counselor in the history of guidance counselors. I am pretty sure her entire wardrobe consists of J.Crew and Anthropologie items. But hey, don't ask me. Check out the blogs of Emma Pillsbury gurus, What Would Emma Pillsbury Wear and Midwestern Cliche, the latter of whom has identified just about every item worn by this colorful character.

And colorful she is. Emma only wears black when it's paired with a kelly green brooch and never fears the consequences of wearing yellow on yellow on yellow on yellow... (see photo above.) Her clothes perfectly compliment the cheery red color of her hair and her sing-songy voice. I adore her.

Two things I love about Emma Pillsbury's outfits: 1. the accessibility of the items (like I said, I think just about every item comes from J.Crew, Banana Republic, or Anthropologie) and 2. that she repeats articles of clothing and accessories (unlike most TV show character's). Here she is rocking this Alice and Olivia Bridgett blouse. Twice.
And you'll see this yellow-beaded ladybug bracelet from
J.Crew time and time again.

Much like my other style icon, Kate Middleton, Miss Pillsbury frequently dons a "uniform" so to speak. Her outfits typically consist of three things: colorful cardigans, pencil skirts, and ruffly blouses. Add chunky, feminine jewelry and you've got her look down.
How cute is the feminine sweater guard?
I don't know that I've ever actually seen someone wear this (and wear it well!) in person.

Now this is how to stay chic in the cold.

I spy a monogrammed mug from Anthropologie.
My very own "A" mug, which I too keep on my desk, is staring
me in the face as I type.

Get Emma's style with these items:

Which Emma ensemble is your favorite?

*all images from Midwestern Cliche*


  1. I love Glee!! I love her cardigans- it must be due to my preppy upbringing.

  2. I had one of those sweater guards when I was ten years old -- that was back in the 60's. I wish I still had the skinny body to wear pencil skirts. Wore them a lot when I worked in corporate office -- that was back in the late 70's early 80's. Yike! I'm aging myself.

  3. Her style is so cute. I really need to get into this show. It seems everyone is obsessed with it!

  4. I absolutely love her style and this show! Glee is like my dream world... I plan to be on broadway when I am out of high school.... sigh...

  5. I love you! thank you so much for sharing emma's pictures. Her fashion is adorable! And I have a question for you. Can I post your picture on my blog? I want to share this Emma's fashion with many people. Thank you:) Have a good day!



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